
IMG_1826Chloe loves everyone! While sometimes challenging, Chloe is always happy to see friends, and meet new people. Some of Chloe’s favorite things to do are listen to music by Worth Dying For, Planetshakers, and Hillsong. She loves to worship, and dance while worshiping. Chloe’s favorite song is Love Riot.

Chloe is now 5, and goes to school every day. While she started out preschool in a special education class, this year she has been in the mainstream kindergarten class and is doing great. Her teachers and aides believe that she’ll be able to stay in mainstream classes all through school. Chloe’s worked hard to be near the level of her peers, and God had been faithful to her.

Chloe loves to read. Whether it is with Mommy and Daddy, or by herself, Chloe often can be found with a book in her hand. She also loves to hold her books facing towards her sisters (like her teacher does) and read to Hannah and Abby. She insists on working out with us, and is the instigator for spontaneous dancing around the house.

Chloe also enjoys playing Angry Birds, and flipping through pages of books on the iPad. She’s in a Rapunzel stage now where she loves the movie Tangled, but loves the soundtrack even more. She recently started taking ballet classes, and while they’re boring for Dad to watch, Chloe loves it, and can do a pretty great plea. Chloe also just joined the Girl Scouts and makes for a beautiful Daisy Scout.

You can click here to watch Chloe and I play the piano: Chloe Piano